Thursday, December 26, 2019

Secular Humanism Rejects The Idea And Existence Of God

Secular humanism rejects the idea and existence of God. It is a philosophy of life, which views that humans are the supreme beings of the universe. They believe that the creation of the universe and life is an incredible coincidence. They believe that human existence is fully explained without any references to spiritual occurrences. Secular humanists have no religion and reject the idea of faith and spirituality. They believe that science is the only source of knowledge and reveals the laws of nature and is measurable. Does God exist? Catholic view Through out history people have believed in God and have practiced religion. Religion provides meaning for people and it helps people answer the existential questions of life and also gives people a purpose bigger than their own. Christians believe that God shows us the way to meaning and purpose. There are three arguments for the existence of god the ontological, cosmological and religious experience. Ontological argument is for God is based on the ideas about nature of being, existence and reality. This argument is based entirely on reason. You shouldn’t have to go out and looking for physical evidence that God existence we can work out that God exists just by thinking about it. According to this argument God is perfection. God is all-powerful and something can’t be called God unless it is perfect. Aquinas who was one of the greatest Christian theologians explains the cosmological explanation. Aquinas takes the existenceShow MoreRelatedApol 104 Secular Humanisn and Christianity917 Words   |  4 PagesSecular Humanism and Christianity I. Part One: Secular Humanism 1. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

D ) Implementing The Public Policy - 1198 Words

D)Implementing the Public Policy According to information found on, existing laws allows RNs working in primary care clinics to dispense drugs or other devices only upon an order by a physician and surgeon. This law expands the number of practitioners under whose orders an RN may dispense medications to include CNMs, NPs, and PAs (AB 2348 Assembly Bill Bill Analysis). This law was cited on as an improvement to the Affordable Care Act which is a health care reform law passed under President Obama. The goal of the Affordable Care Act was to reduce the amount of uninsured people while improving the quality and affordability of health care across the nation. The Affordable Care Act provides preventive care, including†¦show more content†¦Another possible success of AB 2348 becoming a law in 2013 is that it inspired the passing of SB 493. SB 493 is a law, also signed by Governor Brown, that allows girls and women in California just drop by their neighborhood pharmacy and pick up birth co ntrol pills without a prescription from a doctor (Karlamangla, S., 2016, April 8). The article further shared that contraceptives aren’t officially over-the-counter, but can be obtained by simply talking to a pharmacist and filling out a questionnaire. This new development is intended to further increase access to birth control and continue with the goal of reducing unintended pregnancies. A possible failure and unintended consequences of AB 2348 is that it was linked to the Affordable Care Act which had a fair amount of pros but also had a lot of drawbacks for its consumer. The Affordable Care Act increased coverage raised overall health care costs in the short-term. This was mainly because many people received preventive care and testing, such as hormonal contraceptives (Amadeo, K., 2017, February 1). A second unintended consequence is that AB 2348 was faced with criticism and backlash, especially from Republicans and Christian value based groups. Critics argued that AB2348 allows registered nurses to assume the role of doctors and voiced that nurses should not allowed to prescribe contraceptives because they lack the expertise of an actual physician. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Leadership Of Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Leadership Of Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Answer: The paper outlines the summary of the presentation which is based on leadership. Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah one of the great leader has been selected for the presentation. He was a lawyer, a politician and the founder of Pakistan along with this his name is also included in the list of great leaders. He worked as the leader of All- India Muslim League in the year 1913. All-India Muslim League is mainly known as Muslim League which was formed in early years of 20th century (Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, 2016). This League was formed with the motive of separate Muslim-majority nation-state named as Pakistan. According to me, he was only person who took the step for the Muslim community and fought for their rights after knowing the fact that he might face many challenges and difficulties. After becoming the leader in Muslim League, Quaid E Azam projected Fourteen-point constitutional reform plan so that he can safeguard the political right of the Muslim. I believe this was one of the smartest and the important decision which was taken by him to support Muslims (Wichita State University, 2018). This decision of Quaid E Azam clearly reflects that his aim was to get more rights for the Muslims. The 14 points reflect the demand for the separate homeland for the Muslims. According to my perspective, the introduction of 14 points with the demand indicates that there are two separate nations one Hindu and another is Muslim (Genius, 2018). Quaid E Azam is also known for its strength which makes him different from others along with this the leader has some weakness too. Jinnah fought all his life to provide rights of women and empowerment (Dar, 2015). This was said by him that Islam did not sanction to treat women badly or like property and Islam don't give any indication to keep the women behind the walls. According to my understanding strength of the leader makes him different from others. Jinnah encouraged education for all irrespective of men and women and Hindu and Muslim because he was aware of the importance of the education in ones life. According to me, every leader and individual citizen should support this strength and should try to develop the same. The leader should have the quality of encouraging and motivating others which reflects the value and beliefs of a person. He was very careful and loyal person who protested against the corruption and he was the one who believes that this corruption would destroy Pakistan. According to me, this strength of the leader reflects the vision of Pakistan from the perspective of the Jinnah (Durant, 2012). He took stand for minorities with the faith that minorities could live and thrive in prosperity and peace due to which he wanted to create new nations for Muslims. Though, his some responsibilities become his weakness as his decision for separate nations leads to the partition. Jinnah's demand for Pakistan was the reason behind the partition of Punjab and Bengal. Millions of people were killed and were forced to leave their home and thousands of women became victim of rapes (Roy, 2012). According to me, this reflects the heartless nature of the leader that leads to many disrespectful circumstances for the nations. The demand for the separate nations was a big decision which ruined the lives of thousands of people (Durant, 2012). According to me, Jinnah could have found a way to resolve the problems instead of bearing the responsibility for the partition. Quaid E Azam not only took responsibilities for the Partition but he was one who was involved in the Kashmir dispute as well. Kashmir dispute is a very complex dispute, basically, Kashmir was Muslim majority state so it should have gone to Pakistan but it went to Hindu. It was PM Nehru who raised the issue but over here the interruption of Jinnah was required to stop the dispute (The Express Tribune, 2015). Considering the dispute, I believe it was again Leader Quaid E Azam because of whom the dispute came into existence. The partition dispute and complexity are linked with the Kashmir dispute and considering the dispute Jinnah would have tried to resolve the dispute. These were some of the positive and negative aspects of the leader Quaid E Azam. Apart from this, the leader taught many lessons which are inspiring such as he was the one who fought for Muslims. Nowadays, no person is willing to fight for anyone even the leaders of the company give a second thought to minorities. The step taken by the leader Quaid E Azam for minorities is appreciable. According to me, the leaders of the nations are the one who should understand their citizen and the needs of their citizen. This decision of Jinnah taught always take a stand for the minorities. Separate nation (Pakistan) came into the existence because of Quaid E Azam which was possible after the struggle of thirty years of Jinnah. He left the Congress because his motive was to bring Hindu-Muslim entente (Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, 2016). Though, at that point in time after putting too many efforts he didn't achieve success. As per my opinion, he struggled a lot in the life to prove himself and to become a great leader of the nation. I believe that his struggle reflects his dedication; his way of handling the disputes and conflicts along with his focus towards its mission was the only reason behind its success. Though, his decision leads to many worst condition but his consistency and focus towards its aim was the only thing due to which he is still in the minds of people. References Dar, F. A. (2015). Mulana Azad, Congress and the Struggle for India's Freedom.Pakistan Vision,16(1), 96. Durant, C., 2012, Muhammad Ali Jinnah: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Part Two, viewed on 3rd February 2018, Genius, 2018, Fourteen Points of Jinnah, viewed on 3rd February 2018, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, 2016, Pakistan : Father of Nation, viewed on 3rd February 2018, Roy, H., 2012. Partitioned Lives: Migrants, Refugees, Citizens in India and Pakistan, 1947-65. The Express Tribune, 2015 December 21st, Understanding our history: Experts discuss Jinnahs vision for Pakistan, The Express Tribune, viewed on 3rd February 2018, Wichita State University, 2018, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, viewed on 3rd February 2018,

Monday, December 2, 2019

Macroeconomic forecast of Turkey for the next 5 years (up to 2017)

Introduction Turkey has an overwhelming and continuously expanding economy. Additionally, it has viable macroeconomic indicators predictable in the coming 4-5 years from 2012. According to Eurocontrol (2011), the current economy of Turkey is commendable since it recorded GDPs of 8.9% and 6.5% in 2010 and 2011 respectively, which are among the world’s highest GDP figures. Concurrently, the country barely experienced any remarkable economic crisis in the past as evident by its macroeconomic indicators.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Macroeconomic forecast of Turkey for the next 5 years (up to 2017) specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is a considerable provision in the context of fiscal growth and economic expansion. Current news on the matter is indicating positive prospects in regard to Turkey’s economic prowess. It is vital to comprehend how Turkey will uphold its economic status so as to re main relevant in the market. Nonetheless, it is still a task to remain buoyant in the current economic hitches as indicated in some sources. It is evident from various sources that the country has opened up its macroeconomic sectors to accommodate a considerable market share. This is vital in diverse contexts. In order to establish a credible macroeconomic forecast on Turkey, the aspects of Real GDP (R-GDP), Inflation Rate, Unemployment Rate, Interest Rates – 5 year fixed mortgage rates, Exchange rate TL:US$ (av), and Exchange rate US$:â‚ ¬ (av) will be discerned considerably. Evidently, R-GDP indicates the ultimate value of commodities a country produces in a given period after considering the price changes that might have occurred. Precisely, it considers the exact GDP of a country, which is the core economic indicator of a given country as indicated earlier. Turkey exhibits a considerable GDP forecast in the next five years. Concurrently, the country has had controllabl e inflation records in the past as evident by its unshaken economy. Country’s Microeconomic Forecast (Viewswire, 2012) Key indicators 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Real GDP growth (%) 3.2 3.8 5.1 5 5.2 5.1 Consumer price inflation (%) 9.2 7.8 7.2 6.6 5.1 4.5 Budget balance (% of GDP) -2.6 -2.6 -2.6 -2 -2 -2.1 Current-account balance (% of GDP) -7.7 -6.8 -6.3 -6 -6.3 -6.7 3-month interbank money market interest rate (av; %) 5 5.1 5.4 5.8 6 6 Exchange rate TL:US$ (av) 1.8 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 Exchange rate US$:â‚ ¬ (av) 1.28 1.26 1.25 1.24 1.26 1.26 Real GDP (R-GDP) Accordingly, Turkey’s Real GDP forecast spreads considerably with 2017 indicating a forecast of 5.1. This is a considerable provision as shown in the previous table. The country has a stable GDP growth despite the economic challenges noticed in some financial sectors. Macro-economically, the growth rate of R-GDP refers to the percentage increase/decrease of R-GDP with reference to a given base year. The change that occurs to the R-GDP in a given period is transferable into some rates that depict the changes and trends witnessed during the exact period under review. R-GDP considers the aspects of price change (inflation/deflation). Initially, nominal GDP only considers the entire income of a country in the realms of goods and services produced. Conversely, R-GDP considers the probable price changes that might have occurred since the last period of calculations (base year used). Turkey registers remarkable R-GDP growth rates as witnessed by its recent economic growth. When determining the growth rate of the R-GDP, one considers the R-GDP change that occurred during the period of study with reference to the base year. Multiplying the result by 100 will provide the desired percentage change (R-GDP of the base year Minus R-GDP of the year under review divide by R-GDP of the base year times 100).Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's s ee if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Inflation Rate Inflation refers to the percentage change in prices of commodities in a given region/country when compared in two successive terms. It is crucial to note that inflation depicts the increase in prices in relation to the year of reference (base year). Escalation in the price index within a given period signifies the alleged inflation rate. Its determination considers the difference that exists amid the two periods under review, dividing the result by the price index of the base year and then multiplying the result by 100 to attain the percentage rate. Precisely, inflation refers to the price increase in consumer commodities with a consequent hike in the living cost. Inflation rates might influence the economy of the country since it deters the purchasing power. Turkey has had controllable inflation records in the past as evident by its unshaken economy. Unemployment Rate Unemployment rate depic ts the percentage of the unemployed individuals within the labor force of a given country. The concerned unemployed must be having the potential to work hence searching for any available opportunity; nonetheless, the country has no job provisions for them. The labor force consists of those individuals in the working age. They are either employed or involved in an active job-search. To determine the unemployment rate, the total population of the labor force and the employed people in a given region/country is considered. Consequently, the difference between the two signifies the number of the unemployed. Dividing this number by the total labor force population and multiplying the result by one hundred will give the unemployment rate/percentage of a country at a given period. Interest Rates – 5 year fixed mortgage rates Additionally, a rate charged on given money lent to an entity refers to the interest rate. The fixed mortgage aspect of it refers to the constancy with which th e rate persists over a given period. To determine the interest rate, one considers the difference amid the money lent (principal) and the total sum returnable. Dividing the difference (interest) by the principle and multiplying by one hundred gives the interest rate for the period concerned. In macro economics, the central bank of a country might set given interest rates chargeable for given periods. This determines the interest rates of a given country. Why each variable is a significant economic indicator The macro-economic variables are crucial economic indicators since they show and help in predicting the economic prospects of a given country, region, or the world. Evidently, R-GDP indicates the ultimate value of commodities a country produces in a given period after considering the price changes that might have occurred.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Macroeconomic forecast of Turkey for the next 5 years (up to 2017) specifically for you f or only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Precisely, it considers the exact GDP of a country, which is the core economic indicator of a given country as indicated earlier. It is measurable in quarters per a given year. The Turkey’s stable and escalating R-GDP rates show its economic prosperity. Conversely, inflation rates indicate the instability and escalation of prices within a given economy. This might affect the economy in numerous sectors since the purchasing rates of commodities will diminish hence compromising the circulation of cash. Additionally, low business rates are evident translating into reduced revenue of a country in a given period. High inflation rates indicate a poor economic progress while low inflation rates depict stability and economic prowess in the period under review. Inflation usually signifies the probability of recession within a country. These are severe economic indicators since they stimulate poor fiscal solidity and compromise economic expansion. Unemployment rate is crucial in depicting the number of viable human capital in the job market but lack opportunities. Its rate means that the proportion involved is not productive to the country hence not contributing to the economic expansion. It is the labour market that constitutes the service industry with an ultimate contribution to the total GDP of the concerned country. If the majority of potential workers are out of the job market, the economy might slump due to the reduced periodic earnings and minimal value of the ultimate commodities, which constitutes the total GDP. Similarly, interest rates influence the borrowing probabilities of people within a given country. Escalated unemployment rates depict recession, which is an unpleasant economic indicator. High interest rates might affect investments and discourage the borrowing trends. This will reduce the money circulation hence affecting the economy. Conclusively, the figures emerging from calculating the discu ssed macro-economic variables signify the progress or slump of economy to the people of the concerned country/region. Figurative Predictions According to Eurocontrol (2011), the Turkey’s economic forecast in the realms of GDP growth is 2.4%, 6.2%, 6.0%, 5.6%, and 5.4% from the year 2012 to 2016 respectively. These are the baseline figures (minimum prediction) while the maximum annual average prediction is 6.7%. 2008-2011 registered actual growths of 0.7%, -4.8%, 8.9%, and 6.5% respectively. The average base inflation rate registered an approximate of 5.12%, which is quite remarkable and steady. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers (2011), the Turkey’s inflation rate forecast lies at 8.3% 5.5%, 5.2%, 4.6%, and 4.9% for the years ranging from 2012-2016. The actual rates for 2010 and 2011 are 8.6% and 5.9% respectively. The average rate forecast is 5.7%, which is remarkably minimal compared to other countries.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to Eurocontrol (2011)’s forecast, Turkey might record a remarkable drop in its unemployment rate as from 2012 to 2016 with predictable figures of 8.7%, 8%, 7.5%, 7.6%, and 7.0% respectively. The forecast averages at 7.76%; a figure less than the previous 8.8% of 2011. This indicates a reduced redundancy rates in the future if the country upholds her economic expansion. According to Viewswire (2012), the predictable interest rates for Turkey from 2012-2016 are 5.6%, 6.0%, 5.8%, 5.8%, and 5.8% respectively. The trend indicates that the lending rates might remain constant despite the challenges and fight to dash the economy. The average rate will be 5.8% when calculated at a fixed mortgage rate. Explanation of Forecast Notably, the forecast concerning the macroeconomic indicators is true. This is evident by the recent economic increases and stability witnessed in Turkey. The trend seems to have the capability to continue for years. The government opens up its free mark et territories and creates economic reforms that will guarantee a continuous increase in macroeconomic exhibitors. The minimum (average) GDP increase of 5.12% is true in Turkey’s context following the recent tremendous GDP amplification. The country has increased her production trends hence indicating the probable increase in her R-GDP at any given period. Turkey’s efforts to expand her economic opportunities and the utilization of her resources will obviously help in establishing and sustaining the predicted R-GDP growth rate. Additionally, maintaining its inflation rates at an average of 5.7% is achievable since the economy is growing and the effects of the global economic crisis are still evident. This inflation rate is remarkably low and will help in sustaining the Turkey’s growing economy. It is evident that the change in prices of commodities after a given period indicates the inflation rate. The stated predictions indicate realistic figures in relation to the dynamism in the world market. It is predictable that the prices of commodities will increase hence signifying the alleged inflation rates. The country will have to adjust the prices of her commodities to those of the world market in order to compete favorably and enhance its exportation and importation plans. This will obviously increase prices as claimed hence materializing the predicted inflation. Another factor that might maintain inflation rate at that point is the fluctuating production costs that have engulfed numerous countries worldwide. The escalating energy prices will obviously affect the production and service delivery costs. These will eventually create inflation since prices of commodities will eventually increase. The reducing redundancy/unemployment rates witnessed in the successive predictions are valid since the country currently creates numerous economic opportunities with an ultimate increase in the number of job prospects. Additionally, the escalating numbe r of foreign investments and other local production opportunities in several economic sectors will obviously increase employment rates during the reviewed periods. The maintained lending rates demonstrate the borrowers’ ability to benefit from the reduced lending charges hence aid the release and circulation of cash into the market. These interest rates are predictable and might persist. Central Bank of Turkey has enacted various financial reforms to ensure that the economic increase and the lending rates are coherent. The macro-economic variables are vital economic indicators. They show and help in predicting the economic prospects of a given country, region, or the world. Evidently, R-GDP indicates the ultimate value of commodities a country produces in a given period after considering the price changes that might have occurred. Precisely, it considers the exact GDP of a country, which is the core economic indicator of a given country as indicated earlier. Turkey exhibits a considerable GDP forecast in the next five years. Conclusion The current macroeconomic news regarding Turkey is overpowering. The country is bound to do well economically in the next 5 years. This is a considerable provision when considered critically in diverse contexts. It is evident that macroeconomics is a branch of economics that handles the feat, structure, activities, and judgment of the entire economy. It does not consider individual markets individual markets. Precisely, it is a general field in regard to national, regional, and global economies. Turkey has an overwhelming and continuously expanding economy. Additionally, it has viable macroeconomic indicators predictable in the coming 4-5 years from 2012. Evidently, the current economy of Turkey is commendable since it recorded GDPs of 8.9% and 6.5% in 2010 and 2011 respectively, which are among the world’s highest GDP figures. Concurrently, the country barely experienced any remarkable economic crisis in the past as evident through its macroeconomic indicators. Conclusively, the figures emerging from calculating the discussed macro-economic variables signify the progress or slump of economy to the people of the concerned country/region. References Deloitte. (2012). Turkey: More positive than negative. Web. Eurocontrol. (2011). Medium-Term Forecast: 2011. Web. PricewaterhouseCoopers. (2011). The table summarizes our latest inflation forecasts. Web. Viewswire. (2012). The Economist Intelligence Unit View. Web. This assessment on Macroeconomic forecast of Turkey for the next 5 years (up to 2017) was written and submitted by user Melvin Richmond to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.