Thursday, December 26, 2019

Secular Humanism Rejects The Idea And Existence Of God

Secular humanism rejects the idea and existence of God. It is a philosophy of life, which views that humans are the supreme beings of the universe. They believe that the creation of the universe and life is an incredible coincidence. They believe that human existence is fully explained without any references to spiritual occurrences. Secular humanists have no religion and reject the idea of faith and spirituality. They believe that science is the only source of knowledge and reveals the laws of nature and is measurable. Does God exist? Catholic view Through out history people have believed in God and have practiced religion. Religion provides meaning for people and it helps people answer the existential questions of life and also gives people a purpose bigger than their own. Christians believe that God shows us the way to meaning and purpose. There are three arguments for the existence of god the ontological, cosmological and religious experience. Ontological argument is for God is based on the ideas about nature of being, existence and reality. This argument is based entirely on reason. You shouldn’t have to go out and looking for physical evidence that God existence we can work out that God exists just by thinking about it. According to this argument God is perfection. God is all-powerful and something can’t be called God unless it is perfect. Aquinas who was one of the greatest Christian theologians explains the cosmological explanation. Aquinas takes the existenceShow MoreRelatedApol 104 Secular Humanisn and Christianity917 Words   |  4 PagesSecular Humanism and Christianity I. Part One: Secular Humanism 1. 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